Education and Public Awareness

In Israel, approximately 200,000 women and 600,000 children experience domestic abuse each year.  While the incidence of domestic abuse among the religious-Haredi public is different, it does not occur more than it does within secular society.

We are obligated to break through the veil of silence and secrecy that surrounds the existence of domestic violence within this population. Raising awareness in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world is just the first step in addressing the issue.

Bat Melech is involved in educational activities and frequently gives lectures to students, rabbis, medical professionals, mikvah attendants, police officers and community leaders.

Please contact us if you would like to schedule a lecture. 


Programs and Materials:

Halakhic Sources

Shvat Bat Melech is a booklet that offers an in-depth survey of halachic sources concerning domestic violence. The booklet was prepared by Bat Melech Founder Noach Korman and cites many halachik prohibitions and very serious condemnations of domestic violence.. The booklet is available in Hebrew, English and Russian.

Educational Film

This film was designed to raise awareness of domestic violence among the religious-haredi public and to offers ways of dealing with the problem.

In the film, a bar mitzvah-age boy is suffering from domestic violence and describes the intervention by the boy’s teacher. Thousands of copies of the film have been distributed in the ultra-Orthodox community. It produced very positive results and sparked many discussions on the subject. 

A play for girls

Bat Melech produced a play,  The Beautiful Evening of My Life, which depicts the difficulties facing women who are in a violent relationship. 

The play is designed to help young women identify early warning signs of abuse and avoid violent relationships. Thousands of girls across the country have already seen this very powerful and experiential play.

To order the play, please contact us.


Renowned rabbis, mental health professionals and social workers participate in conferences organized by Bat Melech that are designed to raise awareness and prevention of domestic violence in the religious / ultra-Orthodox sectors.

Featured topics include: Identifying Warning Signs: Avoiding Violent Relationships, Guidelines for Appropriate Responses; How to Get Help


Bat Melech’s team of professionals participate and lecture at various conferences that deal with domestic violence and family issues.  Participants may include medical professionals, police, rabbis, family therapists and others. 

Scene for our educational film - part 2

Scene for our educational film - part 1