Bat Melech Anglo Branch

Bat Melech Anglo Branch is a new project in Bat Melech, designed to guide English speaking women in Israel impacted by domestic abuse to safety.

There are 100,000 Anglo families living in Israel.

These women are often alone in Israel.  Their families are far away, unaware of or unable to help in times of a very personal family crisis.  Social support networks may be extremely limited with no extended family nor long-term friendships on which to rely.  Getting out of an abusive marriage is hard; navigating the Israeli bureaucracy and accessing social services with limited Hebrew and understanding of Israeli systems makes leaving almost impossible.

Professional guidance from both therapeutic and legal services are available for both women impacted by domestic violence and those seeking to help women in crisis.  These services are specifically designed to address the needs of this rapidly growing and underserved population.

Our Services:

·         English-speaking social worker and hotline service:

An Anglo social worker is joining the Bat Melech team as an advocate for English speaking women, helping them navigate to safety through both practical and emotional challenges.

·         Step In is a social media and network platform: creating active bystanders through social action and education. Community outreach empowers both community leaders as well as individuals to take action with real and informed knowledge.

All services are confidential and with options to call or report anonymously.  This program is under the supervision of Rabbi Yisrael Goelman, Shlita.

Both Abby Reading and Yael Sunshine will be leading the Bat Melech Anglo Branch.